We’re starting off 2024 with prayer and fasting.

We'll be hosting one hour Prayer Meetings from Monday, January 8th to Thursday, January 11th at 7:00pm with a Miracle & Healing service on Sunday, January 14th at 6pm. Take part in praying for our ministries and each other as we prepare for what God has in store for Celebration Church. We hope you’ll make plans to be a part of these special nights!

Prayer Meetings

When: January 6th-10th (Monday-Thursday)
Where: Celebration Church
Time: 7:00pm-8:00pm

Childcare is NOT available


Worship & Miracles Service

When: Sunday, January 12th 
Where: Celebration Church & Online
Time: 6:00pm - 7:30pm

Guest Speaker: Dr. David Campbell

Childcare is available


Types of Fasting

The idea of fasting is to set aside an undistracted time for seeking the Lord in Prayer. Fasting humbles the flesh making you more spiritually tuned in to what God may be speaking to your life. Below we have listed several types of fasts and encourage you to participate at the level that you are able to commit to. Understand this, it’s not about the lack of food. It’s about the increase in time with the Lord. We encourage you to make it a priority to participate in the nightly prayer meetings along with taking your own time in prayer and reading the scriptures.

Partial Fast - Fasting one meal per day, ie: supper and instead of eating, give that time to prayer.

Daniel Fast - Eating only fruits and vegetables and bread. No meats, sweets, or treats. Drink water and juices.

Juice Fast - Drinking juices including a mixture of 1 cup freshly squeezed lemon and 1 cup of pure maple syrup in a 2 L. pop bottle. Fill with water and add (optional) 1 tbsp of Cayenne pepper. Drink other juices also except orange juice.

Water only. This is not recommended unless you have the time off work and know that you are physically able (ie: not on any medications or have any other medical condition).?

Cut out coffee 3 to 5 days before the fast. Drink plenty of water and get plenty of sleep. Spend lots of time in prayer and the Word.


Who should not fast?

Pregnant women.

People on a prescription. (including diabetics, etc.)

People under a doctor’s supervision for any other reason.

Please note that if you have any other condition that might be affected by the lack of food then you should see your doctor before engaging in a food fast. If you can't fast food you can participate in the spirit of this prayer event by fasting special foods like desserts.

7 Steps to Fasting