"So then, just as you have received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to walk in him, being rooted and built up in him and established in the faith, just as you were taught, and overflowing with gratitude."

Colossians 2:6-7 (CSB)

Over the past year, we have been blessed with stability and growth as a Church. Guided by exceptional leadership, a dedicated staff team and volunteers, we have focused on making disciples and becoming a more beautiful presence for Jesus in our city. This has resulted in steady growth and increased impact in almost every area of ministry.

Our Church has become an essential tool of service for so many people each week to experience and be involved in His church. This report is an opportunity to thank God! It is a glimpse of what God is doing through our church.

We are amazed and grateful to see God growing Celebration Church even further in 2024!


Through weekly services, everyone who has raised their hand and chosen to follow Jesus through Celebration Church has had their forever uniquely changed.



After experiencing a minor stroke, Kathy experienced loss of sight and movement in her left eye - she couldn’t drive or work. During our Prayer and Fasting week at Celebration Church, Kathy was encouraged in her faith. After one of the prayer nights, Kathy experienced God’s healing power and her sight and movement in her eye were restored! 









We say it often at Celebration Church that "Church isn't just a place to attend, it is a place to belong." We found in our year-end survey that the people who felt the most connected - are in connect groups! Connect Groups are how we make sure that everyone has a group that they belong too. 



In 2023 we had the opportunity to host 8 chapels in public schools for the Logos Program. We were so excited to be able to strengthen students' faith and equip them to be the “salt” and “light of the world" in their schools! 




RIZN Camp had over 200 students in attendance and it was beautiful to see young people find a place they can belong, grow, and encounter God. We also had a week of Kids Camp and it was incredible to see future world-changers grow more in love with God and his house through worship, interactive lessons, and of course, fun!



Through passionate volunteers:

Every week, nearly 150-175 volunteers show God’s love to the thousands of people walking through our doors, both physically and digitally, as we celebrate an incredible 20% growth over the last 12 months.



Our church is extending its reach through donations. We’re addressing important needs in our communities by supporting local mission partners with these contributions.


Thank you for your generosity in 2023. Together we have made a difference, seen life change, and experienced God moving in our church. As we look forward, we do so full of faith and vision for even greater days ahead of us.


Year End Financials